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YEO’S Chrysanthemum Tea Light , 40% Less Sugar – Drawing JOY and HEALTH to Your Life !

This year, in line with the government’s call for a healthier nation, Yeo’s relooked at its best-selling beverage and came up with a new drink for its consumers – Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea Light with 40% Less Sugar. In response to the Kempen Kurangkan Gula (‘Reduce Sugar Campaign’), Yeo’s new light version of the Chrysanthemum Tea contains 40% less sugar than its regular pack.

This year, in line with the government’s call for a healthier nation, Yeo’s relooked at its best-selling beverage and came up with a new drink for its consumers – Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea Light with 40% Less Sugar. In response to the Kempen Kurangkan Gula (‘Reduce Sugar Campaign’), Yeo’s new light version of the Chrysanthemum Tea contains 40% less sugar than its regular pack.

This year, in line with the government’s call for a healthier nation, Yeo’s relooked at its best-selling beverage and came up with a new drink for its consumers – Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea Light with 40% Less Sugar. In response to the Kempen Kurangkan Gula (‘Reduce Sugar Campaign’), Yeo’s new light version of the Chrysanthemum Tea contains 40% less sugar than its regular pack.

Valued by many for its healing properties, Chrysanthemum Tea is regarded as a potent cure for body heatiness. Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea Light comes with the “Lead A Joyful Life, Stay Cool” tagline, offering a healthier choice to consumers who intend to cut down their sugar consumption, including those who love less sugar in their drinks.


Yeo’s line of packed beverages has been around since 1967, helping Malaysians to lead a joyful life by staying healthy. Its well-known beverages provide much needed relief, rejuvenation and refreshing moments to Malaysians all year round. It is already considered as a household staple, adding joy to any form of festivity or occasion. Both the young and the old alike find Yeo’s refreshing beverages effectively thirst-quenching, especially during a hot, sweltering day. Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea Light not only alleviates body heatiness and detoxifies our body – it helps to lower our daily sugar intake as well.

“It’s a healthy drink; the perfect complement for people who want to achieve a healthy lifestyle through balanced eating and drinking,” said Mr. Vincent Chui, General Manager – Marketing of Yeo’s. “40% less sugar doesn’t mean lesser taste! It is still the same taste you have known and love since 1967 is always there.”

The new, healthy choice when consumers need to treat themselves to a cooling drink is available in individual 250ml packets or clusters of six at leading hypermarkets and supermarkets Malaysia-wide. For those who love the variying tastes of herbal tea, Yeo’s also offers the Chrysanthemum Tea with Luo Han Guo.

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