Gaya Shop

7 Malaysian Brands Worthy of Your Support

#Supportlocal: Homegrown brands that you could shop from to show your support for Malaysia.

APOM MY gives playful take on Malaysians culture on its merchandise. (Image © APOM MY)

#Supportlocal: Homegrown brands that you could shop from to show your support for Malaysia.

When you support local brands by spending your money on locally made and owned brands, it shows that you care about the society where you live. The cry for support from local businesses gets even louder of late because they need to survive and rebuild themselves after being hit by the knock-on effects from the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to movements like #supportlocal and #kitajagakita, Malaysians are now aware of the local businesses’ plights and open to supporting them, provided the products they produce are of good quality.

The following are five Malaysian brands that we think are worth splurging on:

1. APOM (A piece of Malaysia)

APOM MY merchandise is great for gifts and presents swap when you travel. (Image © APOM MY)
APOM MY merchandise is great for gifts and presents swap when you travel. (Image © APOM MY)

You aren’t a true-blue Malaysian if you don’t know about this label or you’re buying too much of UNIQLO. Intending to spark interest towards Malaysian culture and offer insight into the Malaysian psyche, APOM merchandises are embellished with icons, graphics and words that are distinctively Malaysian. Check out APOM’s comical tees, accessories and gifts!


2. NITA Cosmetics

The bahulu sponge by NITA Cosmetics makes you want to eat them while prepping your skin. (Image © NITA Cosmetics)
The bahulu sponge by NITA Cosmetics makes you want to eat them while prepping your skin. (Image © NITA Cosmetics)

Many local entrepreneurs cleverly inject their personal experiences, skills, and creativity into their own products, just like the founder of NITA Cosmetics Aznita Azman, who produces fun and quirky cosmetics fit for travelling in the form of make-up minis. “NITA is the personification or embodiment of every young woman out there who has dreams of seeing the world, and who wants to live every day to the fullest,” notes Aznita. Get the Mikrofon Foundation that goes well with your skin tone – it makes you want to sing while prepping your skin!

3. Saharil Conteng

This year's raya pockets by Saharil Conteng are so, Malaysians. (Image © Saharil Conteng)
This year’s raya pockets by Saharil Conteng are so, Malaysians. (Image © Saharil Conteng)

Doodle art is underrated as an art form. However, it is an exciting way of expressing yourself and brilliant in trialling and learning to draw. Saharil Conteng (doodles) produces cards, books and stickers that sport colourful, hilarious and playful doodles by Malaysian artist Saharil Hasrin Sanin. You can see his latest doodles on his Instagram account, especially in conjunction with festive seasons and special occasions. Do check out his merchandise on Shopee too.

4. Crazepop by Nur

Whatever you imagine on the cake pops, Crazepop can deliver! (Image © Crazepop by Nur)
Whatever you imagine on the cake pops, Crazepop can deliver! (Image © Crazepop by Nur)

You are bound to love everything that Nur makes. She started making cake pops (cakes that are styled into lollipops) way before they become popular in Malaysia. She can create neat designs, including whatever you imagine, based on your custom order. Nur also organises classes for the public to learn about baking cake pops and develop appreciation towards the hard work being put into creating these intricate pastries. Nur confesses that she alone can’t meet the overwhelming demand, so she encourages more people to take up cake pop making so that they in turn can help meet that growing demand and share their creations with their appreciative audiences.

5. Calaqisya

Simple yet elegant designs by Calaqisya. (Image © Calaqisya)
Simple yet elegant designs by Calaqisya. (Image © Calaqisya)

Established by three sisters, Yana, Farah and Azrina, Calaqisya wins many hearts. These sisters inspire other women to dress up beautifully in modest fashion. The label caught the attention of many Muslim ladies through it’s simple yet elegant designs. Calaqisya’s philosophy is to be contented and grateful with life, feeling confident in the clothes you wear and maintain your composure even during hectic and taxing days because the clothes will carry you through. The prices are reasonable considering the materials used and comfort attained.

6. Sereni & Shentel

(Image © Sereni & Shentel)
Let’s Gaya-your-headpiece with the girls. (Image © Sereni & Shentel)

It all began when two Kuching-based best friends – mall manager Sereni Linggi and jewellery purveyor Shen-tel Lee – turned heads during the Lady Gaga concert in Singapore back in 2009 with their own custom-made headbands. Since then, they have been producing made-in-Borneo hair accessories ranging from hand-stitched festooned pieces to bespoke headbands that are sheer fun, eye-catching, memorable, whimsical and intimate. As a matter of fact, their headbands even appeared in the popular television series Gossip Girl. Mothers can also order headbands to adorably match their baby girls’. Prices are totally worth the spend, as if you’ve Gaga-ed your headwear!

7. Kadaiku

Bring home a loving piece of Sabah with you! (Image © Kadaiku)
Bring home a loving piece of Sabah with you! (Image © Kadaiku)

One retailer that sells only products related to Sabah, Kadaiku peddles items as simple as the proboscis monkey plush toys to traditional dastar cloth and Sabah tea. Everything sold in the store (kadai) are sourced locally, allowing buyers to bring home a loving piece of Sabah with them. For an authentic taste of Sabah, be sure to try Kadaiku’s line of food products you never heard off like sambal cili tuhau, Tenom asam boi or balung tea.

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1 Comment

  1. Niesa Nimaaz

    January 12, 2022 at 11:11 PM

    Support local and contribute on local economic recovery


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